
How do I do 1:1s? Posted by Lena Barinova on September 23, 2014 Know-how

This is how my calendar looks like the week when I’m having meetings with each member of my team.

performance evaluations

Usually I do 1:1 (one-on-ones) twice a year with each of my team members. So how do I do it? Differently each time. Couple of years ago I’ve been using “Moving motivators” as Jurgen Appelo suggests in his Management 3.0 course (please find instructions here). Last time I did Walking meetings.

coffee This time we just took a coffee and went for a walk along the river. I prepare for each of these meetings: gather feedback (if needed), look through notes from previous talks, gather ideas what I want to pass and think about questions I want to get answers to. This time I asked these 5 questions:

  1. Are you happy here?
  2. What are you proud of from the last year?
  3. Are there any blockers on your way?
  4. How can I or a new Development manager help you?
  5. If you would consider leaving our company, for what would you do that?