What conferences are we going to?

The list of conferences my team attends Posted by Lena Barinova on April 30, 2014 Know-how

It’s very important to keep learning new all the time. So how can one learn something? There are different ways to do it (maybe I’ll share my favorites in future post someday) - and one of them - conferences and workshops. Each year we go to conferences all around the world. Here is a list of ones we prefer:

  1. Qcon London - http://qconlondon.com/
  2. AI & Statistics - http://www.aistats.org/
  3. FutureJS - http://futurejs.org
  4. Scala days - http://scaladays.org/
  5. Strata - http://strataconf.com/
  6. Velocity - http://velocityconf.com/
  7. Build stuff - http://buildstuff.lt/


We even have tried these ones:

  1. Highload++ - http://www.highload.ru/
  2. NDC - www.ndcoslo.com
  3. Cassandra EU - http://www.datastax.com/cassandraeurope2013
  4. TechEd - http://northamerica.msteched.com/

For example in my program there are 24 developers and this year 8 of them have been or are going to a conference - and it’s only April. I think it’s real that it will be 12 by the end of the year, what means that most probably you have a chance to go to one conference in two years (and I do not count Agile day, Login or other local conferences or meet-ups here).

What conferences do you prefer? How often do you go to conferences? How do you decide who will be going?